My Story and An Invitation

Dear Friend,

I have over thirty years of experience dealing with depression.

I am in the recovery phase of the illness myself, which enables me to be clear-minded and confident most of the time in order to help others with depression. I’ve spent the past four years documenting natural cures for treating depression and strategies to get those without depression to really understand what it is like to have depression and thereby strengthen relationships. I have proven strategies for those with and without depression to reach out to each other in order to make lives better on both sides of the aisle….again to strengthen relationships.

My goal is to help those of you struggling with depression find the strength to believe in your-selves. I am getting out the message of hope. I want to help each one of you become the best-version-of-yourselves. I am trying to help each one of you remove the social stigma of depression thereby making it easier not to be afraid to “put your-selves out there.”

My experience in radio and television media outlets, work directly with veterans and other mentally-ill as a National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) certified outreach counselor and my presence on mental illness panel discussions promote my qualifications as a Depression Coach. The connection I make with my clients is beautiful. I’m finding that those of you with mental health challenges desire to communicate with someone that shares your struggles… of your own. I’ve learned that since depression coincides with so many other illnesses like Parkinson’s and Epilepsy that the number of people impacted by depression and the related need for depression coaching is great indeed.

As a Depression Coach, I will help you to find your gifts and use them in great abundance in your daily lives!

My Best Wishes,

Stephen Cuddy
