Stephen Cuddy

Stephen Cuddy, born in 1960, is a writer who has experienced depression since the early 1980s. Not until 2006 did Stephen fully acknowledge the condition of depression in his life. Since then, Stephen has learned about and discovered natural cures, came upon the revelation that there actually are gifts from depression, and has documented strategies for those without depression to understand and reach out to someone they care about with depression.

Stephen believes that within every individual stricken with a mental illness there’s an actual person trying to get out. Stephen believes there are strategies to find this person.

Stephen works at a Fortune 50 company where he (in his spare time there) helps people achieve their wellness goals. Stephen is an avid exerciser (exercise is a natural cure for depression) who participates in various athletic events including marathon (26.2 miles) and ultra-marathon (anything longer than 26.2 miles) running road and trail races, as well as triathlons (swim, bike, run) ranging up to half-Ironman distance (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run). Stephen runs 50-mile trail running races and hopes to venture on to 100-mile trail running races and full Ironman triathlons (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run).

Stephen appears in the media as well as on panel discussions and in other public venues to promote mental health issues such as awareness, improving resiliency factors in the community and natural cures. Stephen is a trained presenter and facilitator with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

Stephen applies Mindfulness (see May 2016 article posted) in his active life.

Stephen is a Depression Coach (he thought he invented the term which could have meant fame and fortune but unfortunately that is not the case) who is knowledgeable and passionate about working with individuals and families struck by depression. Depression Coaching is Stephen’s life work. All communications with Stephen are judgment-free and completely confidential.

Speaker Stephen Cuddy

Due to his unique blend of humility, passion and knowledge about mental and physical wellness, Stephen Cuddy is well-suited to appear as a speaker at your event. If you’d like Stephen Cuddy to speak to your group, check his availability by calling (203) 626-5350 home or (203) 439-1347 cell or use the contact button below.

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Contact Stephen Cuddy

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