
Regarding the unpublished work My Way Back – An Improbable Path for Healing Depression, Jean Vanier writes, “Stephen Cuddy’s book is the story of his entering into depression, living with it and coming out of it. It is a moving story with many little and big details which can help people who are on the borderline of depression or engulfed in it.”

– Jean Vanier’s work has been described by Pope John Paul II as offering “an original social service and at the same time an eloquent Christian witness.” Jean Vanier is a prolific writer and author and in 1964 founded L”Arche International, a world-wide social movement, bringing about 5,000 men and women with a disability into the heart of their societies, making their voice heard, providing a true home and the opportunity to develop their unique gifts to the fullest. L’Arche provides 140 member communities in 36 countries. Jean Vanier lives in an L’Arche community in France.