Ask Stephen

Free Depression Support

Get free advice here to help you:

1) Reach out to someone you care about who has depression

2) Understand someone you care about who has depression

3) Live a normal life with depression

4) Explore the gifts that depression has bestowed upon you

5) If you have questions about one of my articles/stories

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Special Invitation

Hello, my name is Stephen Cuddy and I am a Depression Coach. Let me explain.

First and foremost, I’m a real person. I’m not some automated response system with predetermined email replies. When you ask me a question or make a comment on this site I personally read every one and reply to all who ask.

I look forward to helping you and I’m not going anywhere. I am by your side today and I will remain by your side tomorrow. This is my life’s work. I am in this with you. I need you as much as you need me. Those with any form of mental illness form a universal family. In any family there is nothing that one member would not do for another member. And so it shall be in our family!

As your Depression Coach I will help you peel back the layers of depression to discover who you really are in order to live your life to the fullest! Post your question or comment now!

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My Best Wishes,

Stephen Cuddy



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