
East Haven Hagaman Memorial Library Learn to Manage Depression Using Health Rocks presentation

»Posted by on May 28, 2022 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

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nami ct blog post

»Posted by on Apr 30, 2019 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

see my NAMi CT blog post! https://www.namict.org/blog/2019/1/17/rocks-to-heal-the-challenges-of-depression    

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Rocks to Heal the Challenges of Depression

»Posted by on Dec 27, 2018 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Rocks are daily practices that promote healing for challenges of depression. The rocks are spiritual in that they do not represent a material possession. Don’t feel as though the rocks must be mighty and powerful to heal the challenges of depression. Even rocks that are the size of pebbles can provide some relief from the challenges of depression. What are the qualities of a rock? A rock is omnipresent. A rock is seemingly always there. A rock is readily available. At any hour of the day or night a rock can be called upon. A rock can be trusted. There’s never a worry that the rock will “flip.” The rock will never betray a trust. A rock permits you to be vulnerable. A rock is loving. A rock is a sounding board. A rock gives much more than it receives. All that’s in heaven and earth can be broken against the back of a rock. A rock never judges. A rock never tries to fix what society says is broken. A rock guides to safe passage. A rock sets an example. A rock is reliable. Examples of rocks are honesty and a...

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WIN TV Mindfulness Workshop

»Posted by on Aug 12, 2017 in Uncategorized | 0 comments


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You are not Alone

»Posted by on Dec 29, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

http://notalone.nami.org/…/depression-and-hope-stephen-c-fr… This is my post to National Alliance on Mental Illness You are not Alone page

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