Depression Guide

This Depression Guide is a 10-part introduction to help you to understand what depression is and what depression is not. You’ll learn the underlying characteristics of depression with the goal of determining whether you might have depression and to what extent. You’ll learn about treatment options for depression that include natural cures, prescription medications and depression coaching. While I believe in faith in God to treat depression there are plenty of non-spiritual means to treat depression. Scroll below to begin. Or click on one of the links below to take a tour of this website, completely devoted to helping you understand and reach out to somebody you care about with depression……or yourself.

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The Natural Cures Guide to Depression

Part 1: Guide to Depression

IMPORTANT: Start Here – The Promise and Important Disclaimer

The Promise is my assurance to you. It’s what you can count on. Depression is a serious illness….to be taken seriously. Click here to see my promise to you and an important disclaimer.

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Part 2: Guide to Depression

The Meaning of Depression

The meaning of depression underlines what the illness of depression actually does to you. Depression is about the “tug of war” that goes on inside your head. Click here to discover the meaning of depression.

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Part 3: Guide to Depression

Different Types of Depression

I describe the types of mental illness and the characteristics of each type so that you may see which of them may relate to you. Click here to discover the different types of depression.

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Part 4: Guide to Depression

Depression Myths

I describe some important myths and truths about depression in order to inform and educate you. Click here to see the most common depression myths.

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Part 5: Guide to Depression

Depression Symptoms

The symptoms of depression can often be used to determine whether you have depression. That sounds simple and obvious but true. Click here to learn about depression symptoms.

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Part 6: Guide to Depression

Depression Test

I’m not aware of a blood or urine test for depression. Thankfully, there are surveys and evaluations that you can take to determine if and what type of depression you may have. Click here to learn about depression tests.

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Part 7: Guide to Depression

Depression Treatment

Depression treatment comes in a variety of shapes and sizes; namely, prescription medication, natural cures and depression coaching. I introduce each method in this section. Click here to learn about depression treatment.

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Part 8: Guide to Depression

Depression Medication

Prescription medication can be useful in treating depression but should be considered in the proper light. Click here to learn about depression medication.

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Part 9: Guide to Depression

Natural Cures for Depression

Natural cures can have a transformative affect on your life. There are so many natural cures. You can find them from working with a Depression Coach or googling online. Click here to learn about natural cures for depression.

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Part 10: Guide to Depression

Depression Coaching

A Depression Coach can give you your life back by teaching skills for a life with depression. Click here to learn about depression coaching.

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Click here now to see my promise to you
and an important disclaimer…
