Depression Treatment – Coaching

What is a Depression Coach and how can I help you as your Depression Coach?

Here are the things that we’ll work on together:

  • Find the resources to determine whether you have a mental illness and then obtain proper diagnosis of your mental illness.
  • Find peace.
  • Experience joy.
  • Find the strength to believe in yourself.
  • Raise your quality of life as soon as possible.
  • Strengthen your relationships.
  • Live a live filled with hope.
  • Become the best-version-of-yourself.
  • Remove the social stigma of depression thereby making it easier not to be afraid to “put yourself out there.”
  • Be proud of who you are.
  • Bring your energy to the world.

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What makes me a Depression Coach?

  • Thirty years of experience dealing with depression.
  • I am in the recovery phase of the illness which enables me to be clear-minded and confident most of the time in order to help others with depression.
  • I’ve discovered or identified many natural cures for treating depression.
  • Proven strategies designed to get those without depression to really understand what it is like to have depression.
  • Proven strategies for those with and without depression to reach out to each other in order to make lives better on both sides of the aisle.
  • Experience in radio and television media outlets.
  • Work with veterans and other mentally-ill as a National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) certified outreach counselor.
  • Work as a Depression Coach with a Fortune 50 company.
  • Participation on mental health panel discussions and other face-to-face public venues.

As your very own Depression Coach, I will help you peel back the layers of depression to discover who you really are in order to live your life to the fullest!

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Work with Stephen as your Depression Coach

Use the contact button below or call 203-626-5350 home or 203-439-1347 cell.
