Myths About Depression

One of the reasons so many people struggle with depression is that there’s a great deal of misinformation out there.

Here are some examples:

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Depression Myth: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), an anxiety disorder that can occur after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, is only experienced by military combat warriors.

Depression Fact: Any person who has been through a life-threatening event or series of events can develop PTSD. Such an event can include combat, child-hood sexual or physical abuse, terrorist attacks, sexual or physical assault, serious accidents, or natural disasters.

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Depression Myth: Prescription medications represent the only hope for effective treatment of depression.

Depression Fact: Prescription medications can be an effective means to treat depression; however, a significant percentage of you may find yourselves resistant to meds. Natural cures are a wise choice for anyone. Psychotherapy, practice of the virtues such as charity and love, and exercise are just a few of the natural cures to treat depression.

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Depression Myth: Depression is more common among women.

Depression Fact: While it is true that statistically more women than men have depression, the statistics are largely due to men being less likely to recognize or admit to the illness. I believe as many men as women have depression. Because men are more likely to deny having depression, the illness may provide a greater risk for them.

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Depression Myth: Depression defines who you are.

Depression Fact: Who you are defines who you are! You are a person first. The secret is to get to the person buried under the rubble of depression. That’s the person you really are!

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Depression Myth: Depression is a condition that you should be in fear of and try to keep at arm’s length at all times.

Depression Fact: While it is true that you should treat depression with respect, you should not fear depression. You should embrace depression as you would a dear friend.

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Depression Myth: Depression defines what you can and cannot do.

Depression Fact: What you can and cannot do depends upon the qualities of who you are. Do not place limits on what may be achieved. Each opportunity that presents itself should be carefully weighed and a prudent decision arrived at. Never let depression make the decision for you.

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Depression Myth: During times when things are darkest and you lose hope there’s nothing that you can do.

Depression Fact: During times when things are darkest, although you may have no basis for hope you must never give up on the possibility for a better tomorrow. You must have faith. Faith is a belief in something without any concrete proof of its existence. Faith can be spiritual or not. Faith is often belief in each other.

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Depression Myth: When depression symptoms are present, it is best to be left alone until the depression subsides.

Depression Fact: With depression, it is not wise to be alone unless you feel well to begin with. Solitude should be reserved for rest and renewal. When depression symptoms are present, social interaction is the best course.

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Depression Myth: When depression symptoms are present, avoid engaging in intimate conversation with your loved ones.

Depression Fact: When depression symptoms are present, clearly communicate this condition to your loved ones. Alert them that you may have difficulty engaging in deeply intimate conversation. However, as uncomfortable as it is, engage in intimate dialogue to the best of your ability in order to satisfy your partner’s desires and pull yourself out of the depressive funk sooner than later.

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