Natural Cures for Depression

Prescription medications are not the only way to treat depression. Prescription medications are often not the best way to treat depression. Prescription medications often have side effects while natural cures generally do not. I strongly recommend trying natural cures first.

Here are just some natural cures for depression.

  • Relationships are an extremely important natural cure. Seek opportunities for social contact; at the gym, a book club or taking a walk with a neighbor.
  • Love is the most effective means to combat depression. Every act is an opportunity to love.
  • Choose wisely. What you eat and drink, your sleep patterns, exercise and a host of other things have a bearing on the manifestation of depression. The choices you make matter.
  • Goals! Seek a purpose-filled life. Embark on worthy pursuits, at least ones that are worthy to you.
  • Ask for help for any number of things. This enables you to build an active list of contacts. Later you can reach out to help them too!
  • Honesty is a natural cure for depression that is greatly preferred over manipulation, deceit and trickery.
  • Another natural cure for depression is forgiveness. Forgiveness is a secret potion for relieving depression. In contrast, holding grudges uses a lot of negative energy that deflates our tires and makes us sad.
  • Living in the present…the here and now….is where you want to be. Life is lived in the present. Obsession about the past or worry about an unknown future is a sure path to depression.
  • Proper diet is an important natural cure for depression.
  • Exercise cures depression.
  • Fish oil is another mood enhancer.

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