Why I matter

» Posted by on Aug 11, 2014 in Dealing with Depression, Do You Have Depression?, Help Someone with Depression | 0 comments

When Robin Williams and Depression were on their collision course (unbeknownst to me or to the public), I wrote, “Why I matter.” Robin Williams did not think his life mattered. After his suicide the world showed him it did.

Why I matter.

I matter because:

  • The world would be worse off without me
  • I hold the door open for an elderly lady
  • I say “hello” to a perfect stranger
  • I’m a good son
  • I thank the worker at the shopping market for bagging my groceries
  • I am loved
  • I can help other people identify symptoms of depression
  • I can teach those with anxiety and depression that mental illness can be overcome
  • There are people who would be miserable if I left this world
  • Depression teaches me gifts that I can use as “superpowers”
  • There’s at least one thing in the world that won’t be done unless I do it
  • I provide natural cures for depression

You matter too.  The world is grateful that you are here.

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